Cybersecurity is an essential aspect of protecting schools’ digital assets and sensitive information. The following are some of the cybersecurity support services that schools can consider implementing:

  1. Conduct regular cybersecurity risk assessments: Schools can work with cybersecurity experts to identify potential vulnerabilities in their systems and assess the risks associated with them.
  2. Implement robust password policies: Schools can enforce strong password policies that require students, teachers, and staff to use complex passwords and change them frequently.
  3. Install and update antivirus software: Schools can deploy antivirus software on all devices to detect and remove malware, viruses, and other threats.
  4. Educate students and staff about cybersecurity: Schools can train students and staff on safe online behavior, such as not sharing personal information and not clicking on suspicious links or emails.
  5. Secure the school’s network: Schools can secure their networks by implementing firewalls, encryption, and other security measures.
  6. Use multi-factor authentication: Schools can require two-factor or multi-factor authentication for access to sensitive data and systems, adding an additional layer of security.
  7. Monitor network activity: Schools can monitor network activity to detect any suspicious behavior or unauthorized access.
  8. Develop an incident response plan: Schools should have an incident response plan in place to respond quickly and effectively to cyber incidents, such as data breaches or malware attacks.

By implementing these cybersecurity support services, schools can help prevent cyberattacks and protect their digital assets and sensitive information.

Schools hit by cyber attack and documents leaked
9th January 2023